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2024-04-20 00:08 来源:灿文网 点击:




1、喜门开,喜事连年乐开怀。Happy door open, happy year after year.

2、In the new year, I wish you high popularity, happiness, bitterness and happiness;


Happy, lucky, young, happy and often laugh!

3、Hope you enjoy the happiness of New Year and all the trimmings.

4、致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。Best wishes for a happy new year.

5、Dear teacher, thank you for moistening our hearts with hard sweat and nurturing us to thrive. May all your days be filled with happiness, joy and warmth.

6、Dear teacher, thank you for moistening our hearts with hard sweat and nurturing us to thrive. Teacher, I love you!

7、Thinking about the laughter of the past and recalling the warm caress, may all our days be filled with joy. Happy Spring Festival and good luck every year!

8、祝你生活美满,蒸蒸日上。I wish you a happy and prosperous life.

9、On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish all teachers a happy New Year! good health! Everything goes well!

10、祝您新年快乐,平安健康!I wish you a happy new year, peace and health!

11、Happy New Year! Sincerely bless you: God bless you_ I care about you! Bodhisattva loves you! The God of wealth follows you! Luck is with you!

12、I still benefit a lot from your teachings. Your words are still in my ears and have a deep impact on me. You are my most beloved teacher. Send my best wishes on the Spring Festival today. I wish you a happy New Year!

13、No trace of years, only you and my friendship will last forever; The world is warm and cold, only you and my friendship will last forever. The new year is coming again. I wish you a happy day.

14、Welcome to and send to the new year. SMS will follow. All blessings will be sent. I wish you a smooth career, sweet love and all the best!

15、The whole family is harmonious, happy throughout the year, happy all his life and safe all his life; Happy every day, happy every year!

16、Forget sadness and pain; 2024, looking forward to the future; Bless you; Forge ahead and make progress; More grinding and more experience, career has drama.

17、Give you a beautiful starry sky! Happiness forever! If money is also a mistake, I wish you make mistakes again and again. Good luck comes from time to time and achievements come from day to day.

18、In this beautiful and warm world, listen to the blessings of the earth. In such a hopeful year, I wish you a happy life and learning progress.

19、New year, new things, new start, new starting point and new harvest. I wish my friends all the best, peace, happy spirit and good Spring Festival.

20、The streets and alleys are filled with the smell of the Spring Festival. My deep blessings to you are also scattered in them. Do you realize it? Happy New Year!



happy New Year to you恭贺新年。元旦终于来临了,这天朋友间互相说几句祝福语是少不了的。一般元旦祝福需要表达内心的真实感受。那大家更想听到什么样的元旦祝福语呢?以下为的编辑为你收集整理的英文新年祝福语,希望对大家有所帮助。



3、Happy Spring Festival and good luck in the year of the ox!

4、Spring rain pour Yan help flowers, you and I win the world.

5、holiday wish from your son Tom.

6、New Year comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.

7、Although I grow older every passing year, I am forever young when I am around you.

8、hope you have a wonderful new year. may every day hold happy hours for you.


10、Send a string of deep wishes, every minute pray for your peace in the new year.

11、offer New year blessings to you

12、Wish you luck and happiness forever.

13、Happy savings, good luck in the year of the ox.


15、happy New Year to you恭贺新年。

16、wish you happiness in the year of the ox.

17、wish you all the best and a happy New Year!

18、Sincere greetings, sent to you from afar, warm wishes to accompany you!

19、Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.

20、Send a text message to say hello, the wealth is widely into the lucky stars, wish you all the best in the Year of Pig, full of joy!

21、Welcome the new year, usher in happiness, usher in everything you want. Happy New Year's Eve!

22、wish you peace and happiness forever sweet, happiness belongs to you.

23、happy new year from all of your students.

24、Happiness is like the wind, and happiness is like a sail. I hope you will sail with the wind in the new year.

25、May the hearts of friends be happy and life shine.

26、Man, make a fortune this year. Don't forget to treat! Happy new year.

27、Step by step, with a wide range of financial resources, the family is happy and harmonious coexistence.

28、May sunshine, flowers, happiness and auspiciousness fill your life journey!

29、Fresh air, clear you, happy mood envelop you.

30、will be having New Year Party at Wang Ping's this year You are welcome to join us!

31、The new year's bell is about to ring, you should release the hot light to sing for happiness.

32、Wishing you peace and happiness. Happy New Year!


Let’s never spend our New Year apart.元旦马上就要到了,在这一天关于元旦祝福话会刷爆朋友圈,而在众多元旦祝福中,文采斐然的句子会让人印象更深刻。有特色的元旦祝福语是怎么样的?经过搜索和整理,我们为大家呈上新年英文祝福语简短,不妨参考一下。希望你喜欢!

1、Spring new weather, new spring start.

2、You’re the best present I ever received.

3、I want to be in your arms this New Year.

4、Entrust happiness to make heat flow for you.

5、Friends, happy new year and all the best!

6、wish you a happy new year and a happy holiday!

7、Wish friends: burn the fire of hope, keep a cavity enthusiasm.

8、wish you all the best and happiness!

9、Life is more than Nanshan, blessing is like the East China Sea, more and more young, more and more spirit.

10、Let’s never spend our New Year apart.

11、will be yours forever!

12、It’s really a shame we can’t be together at that moment.

13、We’ll be here after the New Year.

14、new year, a new beginning, everything starts from the beginning. A good beginning is half the success. I wish you always a success.



Wish you health and happiness.又到了元旦,这一天大家都忙着送上新年的祝福。在收到元旦祝福后会让人心情很好,写元旦祝福语要注意哪些方面呢?以下是的编辑为大家收集的“新年英文祝福语简短”可能你会喜欢,欢迎分享。


1、No trace of years, only you and my friendship will last forever; The world is warm and cold, only you and my friendship will last forever. The new year is coming again. I wish you a happy day.

2、Only by leaving hard footprints in the snow can we understand the value and heat of life. I wish you happiness in the new year.

3、Wish you a happy family and a happy New Year!

4、Best wishes for the New Year/the year to come.


6、Good luck to the year of the ox, lucky birthday star! Good luck and good luck!

7、We have enjoyed our cooperation in the past year. Thank you for your care. I wish your family happiness and success! Congratulations on the new year.


9、To Grandpa and Grandma:Merry Christmas!给爷爷和奶奶:圣诞快乐!

10、Happy New Year! Sincerely bless you: God bless you_ I care about you! Bodhisattva loves you! The God of wealth follows you! Luck is with you!

11、SMS to celebrate the new year, year-round peace, live and work in peace and contentment, industry and Bangxing, prosperity, good luck and eternal youth. I wish you a happy New Year!

12、In this beautiful and warm world, listen to the blessings of the earth. In such a hopeful year, I wish you a happy life and learning progress.

13、新的一年,新的开始;心的祝福,心的起点。A new year, a new beginning; the blessing of the heart, the starting point of the heart.

14、祝您春节快乐,万事如意!I wish you a happy Spring Festival and all the best!

15、wish you happiness and good luck every day.

16、Wish you health and happiness.


18、wish you greater success in the future.


20、祝您新年快乐,平安健康!I wish you a happy new year, peace and health!


21、Friends from afar, wish you health and happiness forever!

22、喜门开,喜事连年乐开怀。Happy door open, happy year after year.

23、In order to live, you don't stop; For love, you dismount to see the flowers; For the sake of your career, jump your horse and whip. The year of the rooster is coming. I wish you success!

24、Dear teacher, thank you for moistening our hearts with hard sweat and nurturing us to thrive. Teacher, I love you!

25、在新的一年里,继续努力。In the new year, keep working hard.

26、Spring Festival is coming, enjoy the happy time and enjoy the happy festival together!

27、Meeting with you in space is a kind of beauty. May beauty shine your life.

28、Wish you happiness, wish you health accompany, happiness pass!

29、On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish all teachers a happy New Year! good health! Everything goes well!



32、Happy talk, happy reunion, wine in the cup full of new year.

33、Let the happy life embrace with you, is my expectation.

34、May the joy of the festival be with you all your life.

35、Yingying summer, wish you happy full of heart, fresh spend every day.

36、What you can't read is true love, what you can't pull is family love, and what you can't feel is friendship. What you can't thank is teacher love, one love even one love, one love with one love. Teacher's grace is like sea love, and SMS blessing! I wish the teacher a happy New Year!

37、恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。Good health, good luck and a happy new year.

38、Forget sadness and pain; 2024, looking forward to the future; Bless you; Forge ahead and make progress; More grinding and more experience, career has drama.

39、What rings is the bell, what passes through is the years, what remains is the story, and what takes away is the blessing! Hope, hope is beauty, send is blessing, wish you: Happy New Year! Peace and happiness, step by step!


















































疫情下贺卡春节英文祝福语简短 (合集20句)

您在寻找简短而清新的春节英文祝福语吗?“ Wishing you pe Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year 在新年来临之际,祝福你平安快乐幸福!y and happiness through the coming year 在新年来临之际,祝福你平安快乐幸福!”在春节期间,家人团聚在一起欢度这个节日,春节里,人们把沉淀一年的情感化作祝福语送与亲朋好友,小编收集整理了一些“疫情下贺卡春节英文祝福语简短”,欢迎大家阅读,希望对大家有

1.The ancients sweep away the dust for the New Year。 May you sweep away the dust of the year in your heart, and wish you a happy year in the Spring Festival.古人都扫尘过年,愿你也扫去心中一年的风尘,在新春佳节的时候,祝你一年都开心!

2.May a river of gold flow into your pocket.财源广进。

3.May your New Year be filled with special moment,warmth,peace and happiness,the joy of covered ones near,and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.  愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝乐陶陶,新年乐无限.

4.Nursing naughty children with painstaking efforts, peaches and plums are full of white temples. Many students come to thank you and wish the teacher well-being in his old age.呕心沥血哺顽童,桃李满天两鬓白,莘莘学子来谢恩,祝福老师晚年安康。

5.Some moved beyond words, just some thoughts in my heart, friendship and some that do not know, some friends forever! If you are passing around a trace of wind or rain, that was my greetings in the spread. Happy day!有些感动无法言语,有些思念只放在心里,有些友情说不清楚,有些朋友天长地久!如果你身边掠过一丝清风或是细雨,那是我的问候在传播。天天快乐!

6.Wishing you many future successes.祝你今后获得更大成就。

7.A New year greeting to cheer you from your daughter.愿女儿的祝福带给您欢乐。

8.Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.祝来年好运不断,成就连连。

9.It's really a shame we can't be together at that moment.我们不能在一起过春节真是太遗憾了。

10.May the joy of New year be with you throughout the year.愿新年佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。

11.Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at New Year and stay with you all the year through.让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年来到你身边,伴你左右。

12.I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.给你我无尽的新的祝福,让它们成为我们永恒友谊的新的纪念。

13.A happy New Year to you.祝节日快乐,新年幸福。

14.The new year is here, wishing you every success and every joy in your life. 新年到了,衷心祝福你年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧!

15.Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students.祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

16.Ancient people sweep away the dust for the New Year. Wish you also sweep away the dust of the year in your heart. In the New Year, wish you a happy year!古人都扫尘过年,愿你也扫去心中一年的风尘,在新春佳节的时候,祝你一年都开心!

17.A New Year greeting to cheer you, my good friend.希望新年祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。

18.New Year is coming quietly. I wish you a happy life and a better day.  新年悄悄来到,祝福默默陪伴,愿你生活愉快,日子过的一天更比一天好!

19.I'll send you my best wishes as well。 I wish you a happy New Year's Eve and a happy life. 手机短信一起发,我也快快送祝愿。祝你除夕快乐,幸福美满!

20.Good luck, good health, hood cheer I wish you a happy New Year 祝好运健康佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。


Best of luck in the year to come。~~想把这种句式分享给朋友?为了让你在使用时更加简单方便,下面是小编整理的“送给朋友的新年祝福语英文20条”,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

1、Happy New Year's Eve, Congratulations, fortune!

2、Meeting with you in space is a kind of beauty. May beauty shine your life.

3、wish you happiness and good luck every day.

4、may the glow of new year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your new year bright.


6、May the joy of the festival be with you all your life.

7、For you and your family,boss,during this holiday season!在这个佳节里,老板,向您和您全家人祝福!

8、Wish you a happy family and a happy New Year!


10、Hope you enjoy the happiness of New Year and all the trimmings.


12、Spring Festival is coming, enjoy the happy time and enjoy the happy festival together!

13、岁岁平安:Peace all year round

14、May auspiciousness take special care of you and happiness will always smile on you.

15、Best wishes for the New Year/the year to come.

16、It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of hristmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.

17、wish you a lucky star and happiness.

18、love you more with every passing year.

19、wish the worlds best mothers a happy new year, good health and good luck!

20、Best of luck in the year to come。


“心想事成:May all your wishes come true。”元旦马上就要到了,这天朋友圈最多的祝福就是关于元旦的。虽祝福语写起来不难,但也需要用心。那你知道有哪些元旦祝福语吗?经过整理,小编为你呈上新年的英文简短祝福语,供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。

1、When the spring breeze is warm, I expect to be healthy both physically and mentally.

2、大吉大利:wish you good fortune and every success

3、Friends, happy new year and all the best!

4、May your family be happy and happy!

5、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful New Year season。 愿你拥有新年所有美好的祝福。

6、招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful

7、new year should be a time of banked-up fires, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed. but if all else is lacking - love will do.

8、New Year comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer。 新年一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

9、 Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.

10、at new year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fills your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.

11、"Self" always believe in "self", will achieve greater success!

12、心想事成:May all your wishes come true

13、The new year, with a more cherished attitude to embrace everything!

14、wish you all the best and happiness!

15、May my warm blessing bring you endless happiness.

16、The year of the ox is coming. Wish you happiness!

17、Happy new year, everything goes well and everything goes well!

18、You’re the best present I ever received.

19、Here’s a tender New Year kiss from you know who.

20、new year, a new beginning, everything starts from the beginning. A good beginning is half the success. I wish you always a success.

21、Let’s never spend our New Year apart.

22、New Year's Eve is here. I wish my friends happy and happy, happy and auspicious embrace!

23、Life is more than Nanshan, blessing is like the East China Sea, more and more young, more and more spirit.

24、My heart is my New Year present to you.

25、May good fortune find you this year.

26、Wishing you and yours a wonderful new year filled with blessings.

27、 You are the one for me this New Year and for many New Years to come.

28、I’m only thinking of you this New Year.

29、Happy talk, happy reunion, wine in the cup full of new year.

30、We’ll be here after the New Year.

31、When the Spring Festival comes, say congratulations, Congratulations, congratulations.

32、Wish friends: burn the fire of hope, keep a cavity enthusiasm.

33、wish you a happy new year and a happy holiday!


Friends from afar, wish you health and happiness forever!~~这句话你也要转发吗?在此,你不妨阅读一下新年祝福语英文大全简短26条,欢迎大家参考阅读。

1、love you more with every passing year.

2、wish you a joyous new year, happiness and good luck in the future.

3、Wishing you happiness now and throughout the year、愿您从现在到来年幸福快乐。


5、May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear。

6、Good health, more money, happy New Year!

7、Seasons greetings from Tom,Leslie and Tom Jr、来自汤姆、莱斯利、小汤姆的佳节问候。

8、The Spring Festival is coming. I wish you all the best.

9、wish you greater success in the future.


11、wish you many happy New Year's Eve, more prosperous year by year!

12、new year is just around the corner. I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a good year of the ox.

13、May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.


15、New year, new year's greetings, I wish you and your family good health!

16、May auspiciousness take special care of you and happiness will always smile on you.

17、Happy every day, everything as you wish.

18、Sweet words send you sweet greetings. May these sweet words accompany you in welcoming the coming of the new year!

19、Wish all friends a happy New Year and happiness forever!

20、To Grandpa and Grandma:Merry Christmas!给爷爷和奶奶:圣诞快乐!

21、Wish you health and happiness.

22、May the joy of the festival be with you all your life.

23、New Year greeting to cheer you from your daughters.

24、Friends from afar, wish you health and happiness forever!




When you see the blessing I give you,please hit your head against the wall,see,the countle~~你喜欢这些句子吗?为满足你的需求,的编辑特地编辑了“国庆贺卡祝福语英文(简短45条)”,相信你能从本文中找到需要的内容。


1、Family affairs,state affairs,everything goes well;you celebrate everyone's day,celebrate all the world,travel all over the country most want to mother,travel all over the world most want to motherland.家事国事天下事,事事顺心;你庆我庆大家庆,普天同庆,走遍祖国最想母亲,走遍世界最想祖国。

2、states have a home, you can have a home, you have me, i wish my dear parents happy national day! health!

3、Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything. This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!

4、Flowers sing for your birthday, applause for your great singing, the full moon for your sacred singing, the whole country, the world celebrates, we bless you: motherland, mother!  鲜花为你的生日歌唱,掌声为你的伟大歌唱,圆月为你的神圣歌唱,举国上下,普天同庆,我们一起祝福你:祖国,母亲!

5、My friend,I wish you a delicious National Day holiday dinner. Sleep beautiful;smile every day,always happy;live more natural than the wind,smile more brilliant than flowers;physical and mental well-being,happy National Day!朋友,祝愿你国庆长假饭吃得香。觉睡得美;天天微笑,时时开心;活得比风潇洒,笑得比花灿烂;身心安康,国庆快乐!

6、Full Ying Guo,Woods Hongye dance autumn wind。 The entire country is behind  Qi and the home—Sheng everything。 This grand festival will bring you  everlasting lucky!

7、Love is the yearning of heart, the resonance of feeling, the collision of inspiration, the sparkle of electric light, the sweet nectar and the intoxicating pure wine. Happy National Day! 情是心中的向往,是感觉的共鸣,是灵感的碰撞,是电光的闪耀,是甜蜜的琼浆,是醉人的纯酒。祝国庆节快乐!

8、just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!!!

9、I wish you a happy National Day and all the best! 祝愿,国庆快乐,万事如意!

10、In the early years, I went to the sea to earn tens of thousands of dollars; later, I made a network of hundreds of thousands; this national day, I won more than five million lottery tickets! the whole world joins in the jubilation!  早年跟着下海,赚个万把来块;后来捣鼓网络,弄个十几来万;今年国庆买彩,中个五百多万!普天同庆!

11、Long time no see, very miss. In this long National Day holiday, often remember the years of coexistence. Find some time, make an appointment with some places, bring blessings and have a great experience!  好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,常常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!

12、you is my chocolate,I am your chocolate,ah you see more beautiful,you would think her inability. China’s National Day,and I look forward to meet you!

13、I'm proud of being a Chinese. I want to be a Chinese who inherits and develops Chinese culture, has noble faith, rich spirit and morality.  我为自己是一个中国人感到自豪,我要做一个传承与发展中国文化,做信仰高尚,精神充实,具有道德的中国人。

14、This violent tadatoshi akiba of the air, into care, hopefully we care among not only is the National Day holiday period. 把这漫天飞舞的秋叶,化作关怀,但愿我们间的关怀,不仅是国庆佳节来临的时刻。

15、In the golden autumn, may my most sincere smile accompany your most beautiful national day. I wish you a happy and prosperous national day!  金秋的岁月,愿我最真挚的笑容伴随你最美的国庆节,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐事业辉煌腾达!

16、In this day of universal celebration, I give you my most sincere blessing, and I wish all the people in the world happy! I also wish our country prosperity!  在这普天同庆的日子里,送给你我最真挚的祝福,也祝全天下所有的人幸福快乐!也祝愿我们的国家繁荣昌盛!

17、Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi,

18、this violent Tadatoshi Akiba of the air,into care,hopefully we care among not only the advent of the National Day holiday period.

19、Flowers sing for your birthday,applause for your great singing,the full moon for your sacred singing,the whole country,the world celebrates,we bless you: motherland,mother!鲜花为你的生日歌唱,掌声为你的伟大歌唱,圆月为你的神圣歌唱,举国上下,普天同庆,我们一起祝福你:祖国,母亲!

20、dare not say that my best wishes are the fastest, but they must be the most sincere and handsome. I wish you happiness, health, peace and happiness. Wish you a happy National Day in advance!  不敢说我的祝福最好最快,但肯定最诚最帅。贴心送上关怀,祝你红火多财,健康安泰,快乐自在。提前祝你国庆快乐!

21、National Day,happy to talk to you,happy smiles open;happiness find you hand in hand,fortune boundless;auspicious to meet you,everything is auspicious;carefree to find you travel,comfortable infinite;friends send you blessings,happy National Day!国庆了,开心找你谈心,喜笑颜开;幸福找你牵手,福气无边;吉祥找你碰头,万事大吉;逍遥找你旅游,惬意无限;朋友送你祝福,国庆开怀!

22、Like wine sincere friendship,thick as alcohol,aromatic might overflow,the beauty of autumn brought to the United States,the United States engaging. Friends,at this time of happiness,let happiness and goodness will accompany you forever!Happy National Day!真挚的友情如同美酒,浓浓如醇、芳香似溢,秋色的美景带给美的享受,美的流连忘返。朋友,在这幸福的时光里,让快乐和美好永远陪伴着你!国庆快乐!

23、National Day is celebrated throughout the country. I wish you and your loved ones respect each other, realize your ideal, keep forging ahead, be safe, healthy and sunny, live a happy life and prosper, and have a bright avenue of happiness!  国庆国庆举国同庆,祝你与爱人相亲相敬,实现理想奋进不停,平安健康阳光心情,生活美满事业长兴,幸福大道一片光明!


24、In the golden autumn, in the harvest season, I wish my sincere smile to accompany you with your most beautiful national day. I wish you a happy and prosperous national day!  金秋的岁月,丰收的季节愿我最真挚的笑容伴随你最美的国庆节,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐事业辉煌腾达!

25、◆you is my chocolate, i am your chocolate, ah you see more beautiful, you would think her inability. china's national day, and i look forward to meet you! ◇你是我的巧克力,我是你的朱古力,见到你啊多美丽,想你想到浑身无力。国庆佳节,盼望与你相聚!

26、The sky is blue,the grass is green,and the National Day holiday inspires people. Beautiful mountains,clear water,travel everywhere hand in hand. Tie your belly and buy less clothes. This year's cost is yours!天蓝蓝,草青青,国庆长假振人心。山秀秀,水清清,携手遍地去旅行。捆肚皮,少买衣,今年费用归你请!

27、went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, i hope youhappy as xi, always happy. happy national day!

28、went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you happy as Xi, always happy. Happy National Day!又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!

29、wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! !

30、States have a home, you can have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents happy National Day! Health!有国才有家,有家才有你,有你才有我,祝我亲爱的爸妈国庆快乐!身体健康!

31、may walk out,relax breathing,to brilliant sunshine. the rotten heart to water,dust to be a disappearing eyes.

32、Send you a ray of sunshine, two bunches of flowers, Sanyang Kaitai, the four gods of wealth, in addition to my sincere wishes, the synthesis of a sentence: 11 happy, happy National Day!  送你一缕阳光,两束鲜花,三阳开泰,四方财神,在加上我真挚的祝福,合成了一句:十一快乐,开开心心过国庆!

33、Stars happy little more like the very revel; the truth here, as the longer touch the very intoxicated; cumulative little happiness, and drops prestige truth, the whole country celepating this day, let us together memories! 幸福像点点繁星越多越叫人陶醉;真情像淡淡花香越久越叫人沉醉;累积点点幸福,珍藏滴滴真情,在这个举国欢庆的日子里,让我们一同心醉!

34、Autumn years,the harvest season,I wish the most sincere smile with you,deeply wishes you happy National Day,cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN!!

35、every qingfengdian drizzle for a while,i will let you gently reminds me;each sms a blessing,our hearts will be stronger;coincides with the occasion of national day to send my sincere greetings to your happy day!

36、National Day,you are happy and happy,happy and beautiful!国庆佳节,你幸福又开心,快乐又美好!

37、In the autumn rain, bless the national day. May you worry and owe. Unlucky downtime, disappointment is not in the service area, happiness always occupies your line, happiness never stops.  夜雨中瓢,祝福国庆到。愿你烦恼欠费。倒霉停机,失望不在服务区,快乐总是占你线,幸福永远不停机。

38、You raise your head and look at sms, concerns in regards to this inter! i give you a special blessing to have it every minute per second gives you health, happiness and good luck and i hope that this is the best that you spend the national day!  好运和幸福,希望这是你度过的最美好的国庆节!愿这短短的话语给你带来国庆的快乐!

39、the most mothers would like to go around the world to the motherland. different nationalities,with a motherland. mother's birthday,with happiness and hi. bless you in this era of peace and happiness, happy holidays!

40、Smile, ten years old, I hope you have no trouble in life; happy, peaceful heart, I hope you are free and easy in everything; national day, rest, I hope you have everything. Happy National Day!  笑一笑,十年少,愿你人生无烦恼;乐一乐,心平和,愿你事事都洒脱;国庆节,歇一歇,愿你什么不缺。国庆快乐!

41、National Day golden week, for you to ask Hou. Usually work more, take the opportunity to relax yo! Be careful when going out. Safety is very important. I'm finished talking nonsense, pig. How are you. 国庆黄金周,给你发问侯。平时工作多,乘机放松哟!出门要当心,安全重千金。废话我说完,猪你好好玩。

42、Wish you good luck. Happy National Day!愿你吉祥如意。国庆快乐!

43、◆national day,the national day,celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good mood every day happy,eternal happiness! national day when you do not want to give too much,just to give you 50 million:10 million to be happy,healthy 10 million,10 million should be safe,happy to 10 million,10 million mo forget me!国庆节之际,不想给你太多,只给你五千万:千万要快乐,千万要健康,千万要平安,千万要知足,千万莫忘记我!

44、Beautiful morning, brilliant you, beautiful life waiting for you! The beautiful weather, the beautiful you, the beautiful sentiment moistens you! Happy mood accompany you! Happy National Day!  美丽的早晨,灿烂的你,美好的生活在等你!美丽的天气,美好的你,美好情意滋润你!愉快的心情陪伴你!国庆快乐!

45、When you see the blessing I give you,please hit your head against the wall,see,the countless stars in front of you are my infinite blessing,happy National Day!当你看到我给你的这份祝福,请将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的祝福,国庆快乐!


Let’s never spend our New Year apart.元旦又到了,在这一天会把表达祝福的话送给认识或者不认识的人。按照元旦祝福的要求,语言细腻一点就可以。所以优秀的元旦祝福语是什么样子的?由此,我们为你收集并整理了兔年新年英文祝福语请收藏并分享给你的朋友们吧!

1、Spring Festival, blooming a happy smile, a good mood. Happy New Year!

2、am willing to gently pull you up, as if to lift all the burden of life.

3、Let’s never spend our New Year apart.

4、Spring new weather, new spring start.

5、Happy new year, good health and good luck!

6、Wish you every day with happiness and happiness, less sad and worry.

7、wish you a lot of money and money.

8、Respect the elders, love the youth, and be happy all the time.

9、hope you are healthy, safe, happy and happy!

10、The new year's bell is about to ring, you should release the hot light to sing for happiness.

11、吉祥如意:Everything goes well

12、New year is a time for gladness and rejoicing …because there is noclass.

13、The year of the ox, greetings never add to the cake, I hope you are very happy!

14、matter today or tomorrow, I wish you happiness every day.


16、Embrace the dream, the spring of the year of the ox is infinite.

17、New Year comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.

18、hope all of our New Year are this bright!

19、Here’s a tender New Year kiss from you know who.

20、Step by step, with a wide range of financial resources, the family is happy and harmonious coexistence.


























1、The year of the ox, greetings never add to the cake, I hope you are very happy!

2、Wish you every day with happiness and happiness, less sad and worry.

3、新年新气象:as the New Year begins, let us also start a new life

4、May the god of money give you a thriving business.

5、wish you and your loved ones all the best in the new year.

6、the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. may the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.

7、Season's greetings to my dearest parents!

8、May friendship last forever. May you be happy and everything goes smoothly!

9、Send happiness, keep the smile.

10、wish you a lot of money and money.

11、Wishing you happiness now and throughout the year、愿您从现在到来年幸福快乐。

12、With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year.

13、It's better to have a happy spring festival than gold eggs, silver eggs and colored eggs.

14、may the bright and festive glow of new year candle warm your days all the year through.

15、Thank you, teacher. Happy New Year!


17、May 20xx bring you luck, success, hope and happiness.

18、Happy new year, prosperous, happy and healthy, lucky!


19、Fresh air, clear you, happy mood envelop you.

20、Hand over the lively couplets and wish you happiness.

21、I'll be home to enjoy this Christmas with you.


23、The country flourishes and people live in peace


25、Good luck in the new year. I wish you and your loved ones all the best.万事如意新年美好祝福你及你所爱的万事如意。

26、Wish you a happy Spring Festival, happy forever, and beautiful days!

27、wish you a happy holiday and a happy New Year!

28、May the salary shine, the house price recede, the mood be wonderful, the days be sweet and the happiness be satisfactory in the new year.

29、Happy New Year to you. Happy New Year to you!

30、wish you a happy Spring Festival and good luck!

31、happy new year from all of your students.

32、出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go

33、Send a text message to say hello, the wealth is widely into the lucky stars, wish you all the best in the Year of Pig, full of joy!

34、Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream。

35、Blessing has gathered, send your Spring Festival wish all take effect, remember to be happy.

36、May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year.


37、The red light is hung high to illuminate auspiciousness.红灯高挂,照亮的是吉祥。

38、吉祥如意:Everything goes well

39、special card from your grandson.

40、. On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness.在此新年之际,我同夫人向你及你的家人致以节日的问候,并祝你们新年快乐、事业有成、家庭幸福。

41、wish you longevity and health.

42、Wishing you luck and happiness, happy reunion days, healthy and safe around, add happiness and add wealth, good mood!

43、Wishing you peace and happiness. Happy New Year!

44、The more you work, the higher your salary will be. I wish you a happy NewYear!

45、hope you are healthy, safe, happy and happy!

46、may the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way.

47、happy New Year to you恭贺新年。

48、The Spring Festival comes, SMS reports; New Year greetings, wish you smile; life is happy, good luck over; double wages, have both fame and wealth, opportunities around; health need; a text message, all is well.

49、Seasons greetings to my favorite parents!向我最敬爱的父母致以节日的问候!

50、At New Year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days。

51、Although I grow older every passing year, I am forever young when I am around you.

52、may the glow of new year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your new year bright.

53、Happy savings, good luck in the year of the ox.

54、Sincere greetings, sent to you from afar, warm wishes to accompany you!


55、May you ride your horse on the road of life and drive to the happy field.


57、wish the worlds best mothers a happy new year, good health and good luck!

58、New Year comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.

59、Send a string of deep wishes, every minute pray for your peace in the new year.

60、和气生财:Harmony brings wealth

61、Much joy to you in the upcoming year。

62、Respect the elders, love the youth, and be happy all the time.

63、This letter just no ink, between the lines for busy, night lights and star, I hope the undercurrent drips, happy New Year good time, total heart feelings surging, wish you happy new year without sorrow, happy new year!

64、hope you have a wonderful new year. may every day hold happy hours for you.


66、Send you a lucky star, the lucky star shines on your door!

67、May you have the best New Year ever!

68、wish you a happy Spring Festival, all the best, good fortune and a safe life!

69、May you have the best New Year ever。

70、Wishing you a happy Spring Festival, prosperous financial resources, all the best, family happiness!

71、will be having New Year Party at Wang Ping's this year You are welcome to join us!
